
Northcentral Nebraska Child Photographer: Here Comes Peter Cottontail!

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail…

I can’t believe a whole year has passed by already.  About this time last year, I was swaddling, snuggling, and cuddling this little fella as a newborn.  Time passes SO quickly!  Nothing makes my heart happier than when a client calls me up and says, “we need to update our baby’s pictures!”  Those milestone shoots are some of my favorites, and it makes it even more special when it is a former client who is coming back.  Baby Mac had tummy troubles on his first go ’round as a newborn, but the Mac that came to see me today was all smiles.  He warmed up right away, and boy is he a fast crawler!  His mom said he wasn’t quite walking yet, but wouldn’t you know it, he actually stood by himself and took 3 little baby steps right in front of us!

Mom brought his Easter best, so I wanted to do something spring inspired without getting TOO caught up in props.  Sure enough, little man thought the carrots were pretty fun, and we discovered that even though the box was for him to stand up TO, he would rather climb up on it and sit.  He may not have been much of a walker yet, but he had climbing down pat!

Happy 1st Birthday Mac!  You are as cute as can be!

located Atkinson, NE

TEL :: 402.340.0397