Celebrate Your Story.


creative free spirit, wander luster, mom, teacher, wife, lover of humanity.

I have a trunk in my dining room that my husband bought for me in our first year of marriage. If you were to open it, on the bottom are the layers that remind us of our lives before children, and moving to the surface, you would see a layer of stuffed lovies that once were the most adored and loved items in our home. They are ragged; worn from being snuggled and dragged around by toddlers constantly before they retired to the safety of family memories that we store in that old trunk. But, when I open that lid, I can pick that little hankie blanket, hold it to my face, and instantly be taken back to a moment in time when my babies were babies.


These moments are precious and fleeting, and I am so thankful for the memories of my children with their lovies that live on in some of my favorite images. What they loved to pieces one month, they grew out of a short time later. Stuffed puppies were abandoned for Buzz Lightyear action figures, then Batman costumes, light sabers and Legos, Pokemon cards, and Minecraft. Then those were abandoned for size 14 men’s running shoes, a set of drums for 5th grade band, tractor driving lessons, and Taekwondo blackbelts and sparring gear.


Each of these precious things represents a moment in time that reveals a universal truth every parent and grandparent knows achingly well. These moments exist for what seems to be a split second, and then…they are gone.


But if we are paying attention when they happen, they are forever imprinted in our minds and our hearts. And someday, when I am not here anymore, those images will be. Memories alone fade, but images help breathe life into those memories. They give them context and meaning. They illustrate our most precious chapters.

My goal is to create portraits that honor your moments and celebrate your stories… portraits you never want to remove from your walls…portraits that will be celebrated for generations because they were created to last for generations.


So, share about the crocheted red dress worn by every female in your family on their 1st birthday for the last 4 generations. Tell me about your children’s lovies, and let’s capture the beautiful innocence of the love they have for them. Let’s go visit that barn that was built by your Great Grandpa, which still stands because they don’t make things like they used to. Dress up, and let’s go to the tiger lily patch planted by your Grandmother where your grandfather proposed. Share about what makes each of your children light up, what makes them joyful, and who they are at the moment when they have their birthday this year.


My name is Katrina. I’m a boy mom who’s married to an amazing rancher/firefighter/EMT, and a 14 year high school teacher who loves working with today’s youth and tomorrow’s leaders. I’m a country girl who loves to travel the world, believes in humanity, and believes world peace starts in our homes and communities.


You AND your story deserve to be celebrated. You matter, and so do your memories.

Let’s make something beautiful!


~ Katrina



located Atkinson, NE

TEL :: 402.340.0397