
Central and North Central Nebraska Photographer: Project 52 {Grain}

So, this week’s Project 52 post was a tad delayed due to the fact that…well…we lost power due to our winter storm.  It seems that all of Central and North Central Nebraska has had to batten down the hatches for the day. Nothing forces you to unplug, slow down, and snuggle in like a good old fashioned snow storm.  With the boys playing Battleship, I decided to make some soup in the crock pot (the electricity came back on).  As I was looking for recipes, I decided to take a different spin on this week’s photo.  The theme was “grain”, and of course the first thought I had was to use a high ISO in my settings to create a dramatic grain in my photograph.  But, lol, after I picked my soup recipe, I changed my mind and decided to be a little more…”organic” in my approach to the theme this week.

Anybody have a guess on what this is?

After you leave your guess, head on over and check out my friend Valerie’s shot from this week!

located Atkinson, NE

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