
Central and Northcentral Nebraska Photographer – Cows, You Say? Who Said Cows?

So…yeah, this wee our blog assignment was animals.  I had loft ideas of what I was going to do do, but then I came down with “the crud”, so I was pretty limited on my interaction with animals…but this sweet little dog was a fun subject.  Meet Belle, our Australian Shepherd cow dog.  Born to herd, she detests being left home at any time, and all my husband has to do is tap the back of the truck, and she comes a’runnin’.  She’s home with me today, but as soon as she saw me come outside, she went from being a big grown up dog, to an excited little puppy who wanted to play.  I was trying to get some expression out of her, and she is not much of a performer…nor did she want to get more than about a food from me ( I wanted to get some action shots).  No, she just wanted to put her head in my lap and be stroked under the warm sun.

Funny enough though, just as I about gave up on actually getting a shot out of her, I held up a dog treat, and said “Belle, where’s the cows?”

Ears perked up and all of a sudden, there she was…

I felt a little bad that I tricked her into thinking there were really cows to herd…

Check out what the other ladies in our blog circle are up to, starting with my friend Valerie!

located Atkinson, NE

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